The Moonlight Caravan
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Aurora senses nothing.

“Preventing teleportation? Yes!” Johannes responds. “The bars on this cage cancel out all my powers, otherwise I’d smite every rat-man here in a single blow and burn these wagons until they were naught but ash! They also prevent the Sky Bards from knowing where I am, less they instantly swoop down and free me! That is why I need your help!”

The smile on the hunchback at last disappears as Nicodemas speaks to him. “Member in good – What is this drivel? For your information I checked in with – and was cleared by, mind you - the sentries on the east end of town Undoubtedly I’ll need to stop again at the western checkpoint. Now would you mind telling me what has your knickers in a twist before you go brandishing your weapons? For I have no intention toward stopping right here otherwise.”
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Post by Vaellar »

*Vaellar follows Farrow up to the "Crazy Train"*

" what is this sillyness about the king and Ratmen? Who are all these people, why are they in cages on wheels, and what is that aweful commotion they are making?"
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Post by Lochlainn »

Goes over to Vaellar and explains:
"These people are being taken to a new asylum in Harrison's Folly. They are evidently being afflicted by some kind of lunacy that they are to be treated for at the asylum. Some of us may head down to this asylum later to see what we can learn about this affliction and how it is being treated."

*Leans in closer to Vaellar and whispers*

"One of the people in that wagon over there (*gestures to the man claiming to be the King of Silverthorne*) is claiming to be the King of Silverthorne and that he is being kidnapped by these men who are actually ratmen in disguise. And now Nicodemus is threatening to attack the head of the caravan if he will not stop for us to investigate. I don't believe that the caravan's leader is aware that the supposed king is trying to contact us, though. None of us can identify the king by sight which is why we sent a runner back to the inn to see if anybody there could help. I'm just hoping that this isn't some ruse to lure us away from the inn."
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Post by Vaellar »

*Vaellar looks at Lochlain*

*Whispering* "Really....Oh this is too this."

*Vaellar walks over to the "Kings" cage*

*In a rather loud whisper*

"My lord....are you well? What can us loyal subjects do to aid you at this time?"

*Hides a snicker while looking at Lochlain and away from the king*

*Notices Karrigan* "Oh good...go tell your "lord" to stop being such a stuffy pants and to leave the caravan master alone."
X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The man in the cage looks at Vaellar and his eyes grow wide. “You’re one of them! You’re a rat-man! I was a ratter for 14 years, so I know you vermin by sight! That’s why the Sky Bards came and made me King! You can’t disguise your evil from me!”

He turns desperately to Lochlainn. “Quickly! Kill him, before he turns you into one of them!”
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Post by Vaellar »

*Vaellar looks at Lochlain*

Sarcasm "Yup...Thats the King alright...Nuts to the end!!"

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Post by Lochlainn »

"Right, then. Now I feel sort of foolish. It's just that, with things as they are around here and my being new to the area, I just prefer to err on the side of caution. I guess I'll just head back to the inn, then. I'd still be interested in seeing this asylum, though, to see if there is anything that I can do to help out. I've been meaning to go have a chat with the folks in the healer's guild in Harrison Folly, anyway, might as well check out both things while I'm there."

*Hefts his hammer over his shoulder and begins walking back in the direction of the inn.*
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Post by Vaellar »

*Following Lochlain back toward the Inn*

"Not to worry my friend, you will eventually learn that the world is full of kings and that I in fact might just be a rat man."
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Post by Lochlainn »

"Full of kings, you say? I would never doubt it for a second."
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*aroura walks quickly to catch up to Lochlain and Vaellar*

*quietly* are you joking or serious about it 'not' being the king. I personally haven't seen the king so i don't know. Just a ruse to not have the entire troop attack us, being so outnumbered i'm sure? I did detect lie on him saying he was the king. and it said he was telling the truth. Though a mad man could think himself the king and truely believe it.
I did perform first aid on a different passenger and they had a simple diease and i attemped to heal it but don't know how successful i was. Also when i senced magic on the same man i did not sence him magical. My skill is not great at such, but not horrible either.
Just confused by this situation. Could just be the lateness of the hour...
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Post by Vaellar »

*Stops and looks at Aurora*

"Its very simple my dear...that man is a King as announced by the sky bards and he is being kidnapped by Rat-men of which I am one and obviously as such I cannot betray their mission. The real question you should be asking yourself is who are the sky bards, and since when do they appoint the king of Silverthorn?"

*Vaellar turns to leave and see a bloody beaten man stumble into town and collapse next to a tree. Vaellar quickly looks to Lochlain and Aurora.*

"Ut oh...that man doesnt look good, I hope he didnt lead whatever attacked him back here. Quick Aurora, you and Lochlain attend to his wounds. I will keep watch in case anything hostile is coming."


*Vaellar then rushes over to the "A Stranger Comes" Thread of the message boards*

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