The People (and their issues) Return
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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X-GM Fesko
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The People (and their issues) Return

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Lieutenants Fandraal and Gregor arrive with the Silverthorne army, quickly wresting control away from the Avyana and setting to establishing garrison housing and town defenses. Soon after the army arrives, General Fuller and his escort bring back those who evacuated Legacy and Shepherds Down. Problems soon follow.

A group of distraught villagers enter then Inn – two men and two women, one of the women holding a baby.

“We seek Mary Baker, for we require a most important judgement from an official of DeVris.”
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

"Well, if Mary isn't available, how about Constable Hay?"
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Sylas Hay
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*from behind the bar wiping off a mug*

"What about him?"
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The cluster immediately set upon Sylas like a swarm of vultures.

“Helga and Earl are trying to steal our child!” Cries one woman.

“No, Nancy and Burt are trying to take ours!” Claims the other.

“Hog-wash!” Declares Nancy, “Look at little Terri’s purple eyes! The eyes of the Fey, just like Burt who has some of their blood! She MUST be ours!”

“But look at the hair she has coming in!” Points out Helga, “Blond as anything, just like me and Earl! She can’t be the child of black-haired people like Burt and Nancy!”

“Well she’s too sweet to be from black-hearted couple like you!”

“She’s too smart to come from potato farmers!”

“Now just wait a minute! Potato farming is a highly disciplined art form!”

And the insults continue to fly.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*belowing over the squabling peasants*
"Now! Slower and one at a time.
*pointing at the woman holding the baby* Starting with you."
*pointing at the man he believes was named Earl*
"You. You go behind the bar and pour four mugs of ale. Use the Blue bottles"
*turns attention back to the woman with the child*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“She’s ours!” Cried Nancy, “Poor Earl and Helga lost little Becky during the evacuation several moons ago, but Terri lived. When the evacuees returned and they learned of Becky’s fate, they tried to take Terri!”

“No, it’s Nancy and Burt who are deluding themselves!” Helga interjects, “That’s Becky – just look at the hair! It was poor little Terri what was gobbled up by that Chaos beast!”

“The four of us stayed behind to defend Legacy.” Earl tries to clarify from behind the bar. “Both our families had recently celebrated newborn children, and wanted them well clear of the fighting. So we entrusted them to the Parker twins, may they rest undisturbed, as they were evacuated to Tarragon Keep.”

He takes a deep draft before continuing. “We were told they came under attack. Some big… mouth… bounced into the crowd gobbling up half a dozen people – including the Parker twins. In the confusion afterward one baby, Becky –“


“- was found lying on the ground. She must have been thrown clear just before the beast struck.”

He shakes his head sadly. “Both our daughters were bald as rocks and dark eyed when we sent them away. But time has passed – of course some hair has grown in and eyes do change color. None of the surviving evacuees knew who she belonged to, but we’re the only ones who could be family! So here we are. We need you to decide who’s daughter she is.”
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*tugging on his ear a bit, then getting a confused look on his face*
"Um... I think Im going to need more information."

*looking around then yealling into the rafters*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

"That's Becky, our daughter." States Earl matter-of-factly. "What more information do you need?"

"She's Terri!" Cries Helga, and the arguing continues.
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

Could it be that heither of you are the parents, this baby looks like neither of your children. Perhapsit was left on pupose to sew chaos, which apparently even in it's infancy it's already very adept at.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*turning to Solari*

"Well something Chaotic is going on. As Fergus would say.."
*holding arms out and looking up*
..Oh stars above.
*looking back at Solari*
The baby is somehow BOTH of theres. Thats why I was hoping to find Twilight. Please tell me you've seen her."
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Post by Faerykin »

*almost on cue, Spring comes in the back door and approaches Sylas with a sigh*

You know, I was really hoping to avoid this.


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Post by Sylas Hay »

*looking to Twilight as the approaches*
"You'll have to be more specific with your 'this'."
"Glad to see you."
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Post by Faerykin »

*Spring sighs dramatically as she surveys the situation*

Please do not attempt to convince me that someone so daft could be named, Constable.

*she gestures to the assembled bickering humans*

Is there currently a matter more pressing that you wish for my assistance with?


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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*from off to the side sitting on a table*

heh, lets go for the easy solution and just let me raise the kido. I mean who better to raise the source of such chaos?
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Helga and Burt exchange quick glances, then look nerviously at the ground, while Nancy exclaims "What could be more important than the fate of our child!?!"
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