Silverthorne Delegation - Part Next
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Post by Vaellar »

Some would say that the red wave has already crashed with the green wave according to the reports Moki here is giving us. Perhaps you were correct Twilight and the 4 waves did crash upon each other, just not at the same location.

Has it also occurred to you Moki, that in your destruction of the lizardfolk villages you have given them cause, strength, and purpose enough to unit and strike back for your unprovoked attacks against them on your way to Legacy?

I look forward to receiving payments I am due Post haste for my uncharacteristically heroic actions these past two months. I can only assume that passage back into Silverthorn proper is once again available?

I have a very significant magical training that I must attend and some purchases and research into new spells that could be hastened by my having access to the portal stone.
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Solari Son of the Mother
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari turns to look directly at Moki*
My people were once scattered to the winds as well, then a friend and I literally stumbled onto something that brought my people together for the first time since the last Essence Wars. And the razing of my village is what lead me down the path I now walk. DO NOT mistake the choice to live amongst the creatures of the forest in small groups that can be supported by the surrounding forest with stupidity or pacivity.

*Looks to Frederick, Moki and Von Droven in turn.*
When will you all learn that each and every person you smite you've given them and others a reason to smite back? *To Von Droven and Moki alternately* You've each given each other a reason to out do or one up the other in the past couple of moons. If the two sides could have seen from the start that the Red Tear is the foe here and that your petty land sqaubbles WILL BE MEANINGLESS if they are not stopped perhaps the Avyana force wouldn't have needed the adventurers of Legacy to save your butts and if Silverthorn's armies would have been rerouted when they were told of the Red Tear threat perhaps they could have been pushed back easier and we could be having this discussion in what used to be their headquarters. Instead we wait for them to bring their force against Legacy, our home NOT YOURS once more, they atleast relize that taking this area will be crucial for them to them to spread into BOTH OF YOUR KINGDOMS and beyond.

I don't know why I waste my breath, *starts to leave and then turns to Spring*

Don't discount that the Red Tear could still mount a massive push in the Spring, they will take time to plan this time instead of assuming that their numbers will be enough to overwhelm. And perhaps it will take some time for whoever is rallying the lizardfolk to do so. Remember the other waves were all approximately the same size, we can assume that once the reinforcements that Moki expects do arrive they will equal what Silverthorn has sent.

*Turns and continues to leave the Inn, once outside he walks off into the forest*
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Von Droven merely shakes his head as Solari leaves, then turns back to the business at hand.

“Yes, Vaellar, once my men have secured Legacy, the Tarragon Pass will reopen. Those who had evacuated may return, and those who wish to leave may do so.”

“As we cannot depend upon our newest allies for support, we must keep supply lines to Tarragon Keep as short as possible. Prudence would also dictate that we fortify ourselves behind the Essence-enforced Tarragon River while we assemble our armies to strike back against the Necromancers. General Fuller will coordinate the defense and build up from here, in Legacy. Commander Moki, you’ll be reporting to him. Constable Hay, please give the General your support when he arrives.”
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise
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Sylas Hay
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*carrying a few bottles out from the bar and setting one in front of VonDroven, and one before Moki*

"Fuller. Got it."
X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Von Droven takes the bottle. “Thank you. Constable, Commander, you may be pleased to know Wahuru scouts report the Red Tear have not again moved south of Mt. Tyrsis, though there appears to be no fighting on the volcano. The portal to the Plane of Fire remains open, but the Red Tear seem to control this side of it.

“You’re not planing on mingling those winged rebels with my own troops, do you?”

“No, Moki, the wisdom of keeping your operations separate is abundantly clear.”

“Still,” Interjects Fredrick, “You may wish to speak with General Fuller on that matter.”

The Baron nods as he rises. “I’m glad we have all reached an understanding. I must return to my Keep now. My men will arrive in several hours, and I trust they will have your full cooperation in their efforts to fortify and defend this side of the river.”

He then turns to Sylas. “Legacy again has the thanks of myself, the Duke, the King, and the Kingdom for halting the Red Tear advance. Defend the line today, and tomorrow we will push them back to the black pits from whence they came! Good fortune to you and yours.”
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise

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