Silverthorne Delegation - Part Next
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X-GM Fesko
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Silverthorne Delegation - Part Next

Post by X-GM Fesko »

The Portal again flashes the life. Suddenly alert, Avyana along the palisade immediately ready their crossbows. A lone human herald emerges from the nimbus of light.

“Hearye, hearye! Now arriving upon the Kingdom town of Legacy is the Silverthorne Diplomatic Delegation, headed by Baron Von Droven of Tarragon, to the representatives of Lethnal, assumed headed by their highest ranking surviving officer!”

The herald steps to the side as a massive Griffin in elaborate barding emerges from the Portal light. Astride the griffin, in no less spectacular armor, is the Baron, himself, wreathed in a mystical glow visible even under the noonday sun. On his right Sir Fredrick rides an impressive charger, to his left is a similarly mounted Sword Knight. The Avyana on the palisade shift their weight from foot to foot, ready to dive over the wall and sprint for all their worth should anything happen.

As the three beasts carry their riders gracefully away from the Portal, fifty men-at-arms in full plate follow in two columns out of the palisade. The strength of the procession could easily qualify it as an invasion force, but the Avyana make no aggressive move against it.

The Baron heads straight toward the Inn, dismounts, and strides inside, followed by the two Knights. The men-at-arms form up outside in a five by ten block of shining steel.

Inside, Von Droven waits none too patiently as Avyana hurriedly set up a conference table and chairs while Moki is being fetched.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*Sylas watches the entrance from behind the Bar, he is fumbling with a bottle of some sort. Looking out the window at the Griffin*

"Kind of a flashy entrance for you isnt it?

*Eying the Sword Night suspiciously*

"No Gregor or Fandrell?"
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*from just behind Sylas off to his left as if from out of nowhere*

it's called style man....
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*grinning while talking to the nearest shadow*

"Like I would know anything about that."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Commander Moki enters the Inn with several advisors, and seats himself opposite Baron Von Droven.

“Good day to you, Baron of Tarragon. To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“Funny thing.” Von Droven responds in dangerous tones. “The scry shields of your occupation force dropped suddenly over the weekend – apparently something to do with the sudden attrition of your astrologers. We know of your losses. We know the condition of your military. You. Are. Weak.”

Moki sits motionless, awaiting the inevitable.

“At 0900 this morning,” the Baron continues, “my Lieutenants emerged from the Tarragon Wall at the head of an army 15 thousand strong, WITH full magical support. They will be here by dusk. Should they witness any standard flying within the borders of Legacy or Shepherd’s Down other than a white flag, they will slaughter every one of Roderick’s Avyana in Ulric’s Gift without quarter. Am I understood?”

Moki sighs deeply. “Perfectly understood, Baron. We of Lethnal readily accept any reinforcements you are able to provide in our mutual war against the Red Tear. We are prepared to stand side-by-side with your armies as we defend your King’s lands here in Ulric’s Gift. The White Flag of Truce shall be flying when your forces arrive.”
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Post by Faerykin »

*from up in the rafters a quiet voice can be heard*

... and so the silver wave crashes upon the red wave ...


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Post by Sylas Hay »

*turning from the shadow to speak absently to the rafters*

"Someone is going to have to refresh my memory on this whole 'wave' thing."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Von Droven nods slowly. “Your numbers are indeed needed. They will submit to Alliance commanders and your camps will undergo frequent inspection without interference. Fall out of line even the slightest and I promise the consequences will be dire."

"As you desire." Moki replies without choice.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*speaking up WAY too cheerily*

"Well now tht thats all been cleared up..
Welcome to Bombours!
Can I offer you a drink?"

*pulling a bottle out from under the bar with a silly grin*
"Its Dwarven."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“Ah! Constable Hay!” Von Droven responds, his eyes not leaving Moki. “I understand Legacy’s funds did not reach it last moon. Apparently some mixup with our earstwhile Lethnal allies. I am certain they will see to it those funds reach you. Presently.”

“Well,” Moki interjects, “Of course we wouldn’t want to compromise the good people of Legacy, but perhaps there is some confusion as to –“


Moki sighs. “It shall be done.”

“And, of course,” the Baron continues, “In their gratitude for assisting in their breakout from the Red Tear lines, they will surely double those funds.”

“Surely.” Moki growls.

“In addition,” Von Droven presses on without remorse, “Lethnal will double their supply efforts to ensure Legacy and it’s garrisons are well-stocked through the Winter. The Red Tear will undoubtedly make it a harsh one.”

“Well now, see, there’s the problem.” Moki nonchalantly responds. “If we were receiving the supplies and reinforcements we were expecting, this conversation would be going very differently, if it would be happening at all. But we haven’t seen a single ostrich in over a month (as good as any donkey, mind you, with an attitude to match). The stars can tell us nothing of what’s going on south of the Chaos mountains. I’ve dispatched scouts to Havoc Pass but none have returned.” He shrugs. “So no supplies.”
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Post by Faerykin »

*the voice questions from above*

Could it be the green wave also crashes upon the red wave?


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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari standing looking out the window deep in thought says to noone*

Do not trust your eyes or your scrys.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Moki looks up. “Someone speaks in riddles.”

Von Droven also glances toward the lofts. “That would be Twilight, an extraordinary soothsayer.”
Then louder. “What more can you tell us of these ‘waves’?”
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Post by Faerykin »

*Spring moves to the edge of the balcony and speaks a bit louder*

I had a vision. I had originally misinterpreted it, much to my dismay.

*her unfocused eyes stare off into the distance*

I saw a grove of trees standing firm in the center of a vast, empty plane, stretching as far as a mortal eye could see, in every direction. Then I realized it was not a plane, but an ocean, as an enormous Black wave became visible, approaching the island from the North - fires burning behind it. The wave was immense. The island had no chance - it would be completely obliterated when the wave crashed down upon it.

Then I saw lesser waves approach from the other directions - Red to the West, Green to the South and Silver to the East. Though these waves were smaller, they were still massive enough to individually erase the island from existence.

The waves closed in upon the island, looming over it, enveloping it in their shadows. Then they crashed down.

But, unexpectedly, as the waves fell, they struck against each other, deflecting each wave's might and wrath away from the central impact point of the island. The waves reflected each other and fell back. In their midst, the island, though damaged, still stood.

*her eyes come back into focus as she blinks a few times and looks to Baron Von Droven*

I had identified the Black Wave to the North as the Red Tear, the Green Wave to the South as the Lizardfolk and the Silver Wave to the East as Silverthorn. At first the Red Wave to the West remained hidden from me, but we were quickly able to discern that it was the Avyanna, cloaked by their Dark Elven conspirators.

My original interpretation was that all four of these waves would crash upon each other simultaneously - that is where I was wrong. Two moons ago the Red Wave crashed upon the Black Wave which resulted in Legacy's occupation by the Avyanna. These two Waves crashed upon each other again last moon as the Dark Elves sided with the Red Tear against the Avyanna. Now the Silver Wave crashes upon the Red Wave as the veil previously provided by the Dark Elves has fallen from the Avyanna and Silverthorn is able to see success in taking back Legacy.

We also know that the Green Wave will come to Legacy in the Spring, but I speculate perhaps the Green Wave is already crashing upon the Red Wave as the Avyanna scout out the South.


Summer Twilight
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“So one interpretation might be,” Sir Fredrick says slowly, “that despite everyone’s attempts to claim this land… in the end no one will?”

“Or,” Von Droven adds, “perhaps it simply means Legacy will survive both because and in spite of the forces arrayed around it.”

“This is preposterous!” Moki blurts out. “There can be no ‘Lizardfolk Wave’! They are simple barbarians – scattered unaffiliated tribes – unable to assemble of force of any consequence. We razed three of their villages and captured an old fort they occupied on our way here with perfect ease! The ‘Green Wave’ must represent something else, if anything at all.”
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