New to Town
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Brenna Carey
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New to Town

Post by Brenna Carey »

The door creeks open slowly and a stranger has entered the inn. Even with her cloak pulled down low over her bowed head, her eyes pierce through the shadows. Silently she moves to the corner to watch others. Once seated she goes to her pouch fumbling through it while never taking her eyes off of those in the inn.
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

“Well met,” says a man cloaked in grey and green, “the name’s Daniel Lockheart” he says while extending his right hand. “What brings you to our not so sleepy little town? It's a long way from civilization, out here on the board.”
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Brenna Carey
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Post by Brenna Carey »

She looks at the stranger and a smile comes across her lips. She comes away from the corner to greet him.

"Well met,"

She slowly reaches out her hand to him.

"I have been traveling for quite sometime and yes it seems I am quite far from anything..."

Her voice drops off as she goes into thought

"Thank you Daniel for your kindness, what can you tell a stranger to your lands"
If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything!
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

*Daniel smiles at the new comer, and takes her hand, either in a shake if that is the offer or bending to kiss it in the goodmenly fashion if that is the new comer’s intent, either way in a manner to not offend. He then talks in a manner that can tell he has been trained in story telling by a great instructor as he begins to tell you and any close enough to listen of the town of Legacy and the surrounding lands.

“This is a wonderful and yet dangerous place, to say the least. There are creatures of terrible power in this area that’d enjoy nothing more than killing just for the fun of it. But the beauties are beyond belief. We’ve seen springs filled with pure essence water, and fields of trees that can move on their own. It is a daily battle to keep these later things protected from the darkness which would claim them if we were not here to help, but it is one that many of us do without hesitation. I myself keep the stories of the great adventurers of these lands. They call me the librarian, but I fear that I have too few books to deserve such a title. I’m more of a scribe really, always writing things down and trying to learn all that I can. I head up the local chapter of the House of Knowledge, which the King has named ToeVass. There are many great adventures to be had in these parts, and treasures to make for an early retirement. But as with such things always, there is death lurking just out of site on each road you take. Of course one need not be an adventure to make it in Legacy, no, the merchant business is ripe for the picking. And there are other fields in desperate need of attention. So, as you can see we can use good people in many ways. One simply needs to find their knack and they’ll make their way.”
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Brenna Carey
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Post by Brenna Carey »

She lets Daniel take her hand for a gentlemanly kiss. Taken back by the kindness once again of a complete stranger, as she is not used to such hospitality.

"I look forward to learning more of this Phanterra, and at least for the time being, see myself being here for some time."
If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything!
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Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak strides in the door and gives a nod to the newcomer. He looks to Daniel.*

It was good to see you again my friend, but alas my stay here has been cut short, yet again. I've been hired out on a mission and cannot discuss the perils involved. I hope to be back as soon as I can one piece.

*He looks to Brenna.*

Take care m'lady, Daniel was right about this place being dangerous. Especially with the recent news of the Red Tear's advances.

*Nyrhtak turns, grabs his two scabbarded blades off of the table, and rushes out the door.*
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Brenna Carey
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Post by Brenna Carey »

Brenna nods back to him and watches his leave. She then turns back to Daniel.

"What can you tell me of And why is he so feared?"
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*From the rafters while packing a bag*
The red tier is not a person but a group. They are evil and do evil things. We hold them back as much as we can but it is difficult. And it is even more difficult with all the damage done from the blood moon.

My name is Aroura by the way.

If you are staying in town i would suggest making sure you have a room in the inn to stay. It is safer in these walls. Not safe but safer. I would add more but i am called away this moon.

*to those in the Inn*
Stay safe, and careful with your lives. I would like to see everyone well when i return.

*finishes packing bag and leaves the Inn*
Gone and Yet not gone
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

"Well, while the short version of it, Aroura pretty much sums it up."

*Daniel opens up one of his many pockets and pulls out a book or two and begins thumbing thru them...

"Ah yes here we are. Well apparently not a lot is well known about their beginnings, but the Red Tear has been a thorn in the side of those who would serve the light for a good long time. They are composed of evil rouges and warriors, and also fill their ranks with tons of undead minions of varying specifications. According to reports they are led by very powerful mages, and so far as we can tell they are all necromancers, but who can say if there isn’t a charm mage or two mixed in. Well, for that matter I guess anyone, mage or not, who seeks the easy path to power and doesn’t care about anyone or anything that gets in the way to getting that power could be in their ranks. Being a necromancer is not a requirement as far as I know, and since I’ve seen non-necromancers wearing the Red’s sigil, we can assume for the sake of argument that I’m correct. However, I would guess by their trend what you will encounter for the most part is a necromancer and some undead minions. That or a couple necromancers, but they are rarely seen without having some undead minions following them around. Now not every necromancer you run into is going to be in the Red Tear, but for good measure don’t bother asking questions when or if you ever run into a one. Rather, do one of two things. Either slay the evil monster or run away and get help to slay the monster.

Now it strikes me that I’ve been telling you all about these necromancers, and have yet to explain what they are. A necromancer is a mage that much is probably clear. What might not be clear is that a necromancer is a mage that specializes in casting the darkest and evilest of all magics… aptly named necromancy. These are dark forbidden spells, which coincidently are also illegal, along with those of charm, and potions of these and toxin are as well. All of these offenses are punishable by death, and lets just guess if the local Mage hunter catches one… or most people for that matter… well that’s what the necro will get. Not a lot is known about toxin users or charmers at this time as far as punishment goes, but I expect they’d be executed as well.

Hmm, well that sums up probably more than you needed to know. I do go on sometimes. Anyway, I hope that helped, and please don’t be too fearful of necromancers. Because while they are a real threat, there are far more common creatures that would tend to end ones life in these parts. So my suggestion is to travel in parties, and make friends that are skilled in different ways to help you survive."
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*From a darker corner in the Inn*

Said necromancer in your hypothesis would die right where it stood.
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Daniel looks to Kimberlyn and nots, "I would expect no less from any member of Legacy." Turning back to the new comer, "yes, catching and killing these evil mages is a primary goal of a lot of our people."
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Post by Eris »

A stone chipped voice chimes from the corner of the Inn.

"Evil mages. Sounds dangeorus." The stranger puffs his pipe and takes a break from unpacking his things. He makes no attempt to cover his eavesdropping.
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick sits on a bench listening to peooples stories. As Daniel speaks of the merchants of Legacy Edrick asks a question*

My name is Edrick Stormbane and I'm new to Legacy also. Daniel, does Legacy not have it's own merchants? What about repersentitives Mandilor?

I come from a family of merchants and I'm willing to help where I can. It is the least I can do for the help Legacy has given me.

*Edrick's face turns dark and hatered can be seen in his eye's as the Daniel speaks of the Red Tear and necromancers*
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Post by Darthesis »

Everything Daniel said of the Red Tear is correct and seems a good summation. We must prepare for this as well as the coming of the Kunapan come this Bloodmoon. If fortune smiles, perhaps we will not be fighting both at once.

That being said, it should also be noted that as 'claimed land' and not an official Barony as well as a land at war, we have been given Baronial level approval to deal with the enemy by nearly 'any means necessary'. It was clarified that the courts would overlook uses of charms, toxins, and even deceptions such as disguise if they felt the end justified the means. This would all come down to individual judgment, so do not push the limits... unless you enjoy doing such things.

Necromancy would never be allowed under any circumstances, not that I am accusing anyone here of trafficking in it.

Well met and you have come to this town at an...

*** Darthesis pauses to contemplate his next words

... auspicious time.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
Fidelis Pro Aurum

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