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Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:46 am
by Faerykin
*Spring gives Solari a rather quizical look*

And who would that be?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:25 pm
by Sylas Hay
*looking around is if noticing for the first time that there are people there*
*spoken in one long, tired, run on sentence*

"Guthrie that must be Ferran, sister?, oh hey Raven welcome back, hey Kimberlyn, hey Jack, she means fey touched Solari, green grove?, oh right, wouldnt be suprised to see Wren there if I were you, you should have a healer look at that cold Mary, .. wait .. what was I doing?, oh yeah"

*walks off looking distracted*

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:46 pm
by Solari Son of the Mother
*shakes his head at Sylas as he walks off*

I knew what she meant, get some sleep before your head explodes.

Travel well Nyrhtak, and return soon.

*To Twilight*

I merely meant that there are 2 types of fae touched that I see here now, I don't see any of the 3rd, or know of any in Legacy. The Fae of the Green.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:49 pm
by Faerykin
*Twilight offers Solari a secret smile before returning to the stones before her. She drops her tone to nearly a whisper*

Of course not, my naïve friend. They do hide where one least expects them.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:06 pm
by Solari Son of the Mother
Are you OK Spring, maybe you should get some sleep as well. Wait a minute... I know that smile, what are you keeping to yourself.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:53 am
by Faerykin
*Spring smiles mischievously at Solari*


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:09 am
by Vosh
*Nods slowly at Mary’s words*

“Cold. Cold it is. Cold is had by all, for cold is everywhere.”

*Pulls a small tinderbox from a belt pouch, contemplates it for a moment, then puts it away again*

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:14 am
by Solari Son of the Mother
*Eyes Vosh for a moment wondering if he means to burn the Inn down to get warm and then turns his attention back to Twilight*

Well thats obvious pretty one, do you plan on sharing this secret with anyone in particular. Maybe someone with long teeth and horns?

*Solari gives Twilight the biggest smile he can accompanied by a pretty please look*

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:20 pm
by Faerykin
*Spring smiles assuringly to Solari*

Mayhaps some day the secret will reveal itself, my Wood-Elven friend.

*she then frowns as she picks up a few of the stones laid out before her, and then drops them again with a sigh*

But more likely than not, that day is not today.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:50 pm
by Solari Son of the Mother
You never play fair do you? Always me asking, always you denying, and always you with the answer.

*Solari looks away for the briefest of moments and then back to jovial although less so.*

Someday maybe you'll change your mind.

*A sly smile creeps up one corner of his mouth but never reaches his eyes*

I had better make sure Sylas doesn't need help planning the saving of the world again, not that he'd take it anyway.

We'll have to catch up later Raven.

*Follows Sylas out and his voice trails off as he gets farther from the Inn*

I mean it, get some sleep before I get Fergus to mix up something to put you to sleep, and slow down...

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:32 pm
by Faerykin
*as Solari passes her table on his way out the door, Spring sadly whispers under her breath*

No one has all the answers - no one ...

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:03 pm
by Raven
*Raven's unnerving, intense gaze takes in all of this, a slightly amused tilt to one corner of her lips*

(To Jack): "I am grateful for the information, sir. Red Tear and undead among other things...It would seem not much changes even if the location of the gathering does..."

*Raven gives the triangle on Daniel's forehead a quick glance but only her eyes ask questions.*
"Hello again, Daniel."

*She nods to Sylas as he rushes in and out, shaking her head slowly once he is gone.*

*At Solari's words, she cocks her head in a quizzical fashion.*
"Only two kin, friend Solari? .....Yes, I would indeed like to "catch up" with thee later."

*She frowns in concern at Kimberlyn's confusion.*
"My name is Raven. Do thee not remember it nor the other?"

(To Nyrtahk): "I hope thee have heard not too many ill things of me. *mischievous grin* Farewell for now."

*An eyebrow raises at Mary's state, but she then turns to Spring.*

"'Welcome to Legacy' sounds very momentous indeed, my kin-sister. Perhaps thee can tell me of this place, its name, and how thee fare among others. *Gently.* If thee do not desire speech, I am content to sit in silence with thee as well."

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:19 pm
by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
*Nyrhtak looks to Mary*

Be well. I shall be back soon enough. I also suggest you see a healer. I will see you after the Bloodmoon, count on it.

*Turns to Kimberlyn*

Let them come. The light of the lantern blinds their servants, and I will smite them without. Four Necromancers have felled to Nehpets and Fisk within the last few moons, and my blades ask me for more. I will give them what they ask. Well...not that they are actually talking to me, no, nothing like that, just saying, well...dramatic and heroic or so...oh nevermind. Yeah, yeah, if I see a Necro I'll tell him you said hi before I finish him off.

*Nyrhtak grins, then looks over to Raven*

Well...I wouldn't call it good persay, but then one must consider the source before one passes any sort of prejudgement, L...*coughs*...Raven. I'll not judge thee from what I have heard second hand if you do not judge me for what you hear as well. Of course, you're likely to hear worse of me than I have of you. Be safe, this town can be a dreadfull place. If I was not concerned about the villages near midway with the lack of mercinaries in their area, I'd stay here to help fend off the hordes that I am sure will come. I mean...the Necro's have to come from somewhere before they attack the Caravan, do they not? No better place than from the desert...

*He looks to all in the room.*

...heck, maybe I'll even have a nice and quiet Bloodmoon with you all wedged between Midway and the blasted lands to the west.

*Nyrhtak tips his hat and heads for the door slinging his two etched longswords over his back.*

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:44 pm
by Jack of Spades
*Jack spins his dagger on the tip of his finger and looks around the room*

I'm wondering about the villigers, how are we going to protect them during the coming darkness? Even this collection of brave souls can't be everywhere at once.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:05 pm
by Raven
*Raven listens to the confirmation of less than good speech about her and her eyes grow wistful, the smile a bit grim and weary. When Nyrhtak says, "L..." and coughs, her gaze sharpens again, looking directly into his eyes. The different hues of green seem to intensify and shift, and her lips part ever so slightly as though she is about to speak. When he turns to leave, she finally does in a measured, low tone..."

"Forgive me, good Nyrhtak. But for a moment, I thought thee were going to address me differently than by Raven. Is this true? And if so, by what...? Perhaps thee may have questions about what thee have heard. If so, I would be willing to answer them if I may."

*She shrugs slowly, eyes closing a moment. But when they open, the gaze remains penetrating.*