Looking around
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Daniel Lockheart
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Looking around

Post by Daniel Lockheart »

With the cold of winter finally breaking and spring in the air, the head of ToeVass is in a cheerful mood. Whistling to himself he enters the inn, and takes a table.

“Bombour my good man, it has been very quite of late, what news have you heard of the tidings around these parts? Ah yes, a good strong ale please.” Daniel looks around to see if any of his friends and fellow adventures are about the inn. “Heard of any plans for adventure over the next few weeks? I grow restless and with the end of the long and drawn out winter I look so forward to exploring these new and prosperous lands we have come to tame. Perhaps a few good scouting parties will be in order? Hmm, yes I do believe we should perhaps get some cartographers as well.”
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

* from the rafters above*

I do believe the only real threat we know of yet in this area are the Yeti's that torvac spoke of. I understand he and a few others killed several last moon.

So far i believe that is our main worry when exploring the area. I am sure there are more creatures around.

So we must all just travel in groups for now i think, save those with truely good wilderness skills.
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Looks around then finally up and smiles warmly at the elf in the rafters.

"Hello Aroura, I didn't see you sitting up there. Why yes, I do recall the big fellow saying something about Yetis, hmm, I wonder if they will change colors with the spring? What a wonderful idea, we should study them and see. I could write it down in a book of course, and send a report to the house about them. Well at least it is warm, lets hope it stays this nice around here."
Last edited by Daniel Lockheart on Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
Paladin of Order
"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

Indeed it is nice weather. it would be pleasant if it stayed like this for awhile. though i am sure the earth mother is not quite done with the cold just yet.

*oog it's Aroura, one of these days i'll change my sign in name* :wink:
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Right, I knew that...

"Well, I do believe we have seen the worst of it for a while at least," raises his glass, "here's for hopeing. So will we be seeing you around these next few weeks or must you fly off again on this adventure or another? We could use a healer of your ability in the next few months, I think, as we try to explor this gift."
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

i should be around for quite awhile. I like this new land so far. There is much to learn. And well... i know i'm needed in town.
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

That is good to hear, we can always use more healers, and your company is welcome as well of course. It seems like so many we unable to make the journey. I do hope to see more members of Midway’s adventures appear.

You know it strikes me that, you and I have never really gotten to talk or know one another, could I buy you a drink? Elven wine of course.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

Sure, that would be most pleasant.

*climbs down from the rafters and joins daniel at the table*

Well what i am seem to be known for so far is Healing and shielding.

and you seem to like to write everything down. I find that most interesting.
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Pushes up his reading glasses, yes well I am sure there is more to us than all that. Where are you from for instance? What kinds of music do you like? I know you are a magic caster but little more. Do you like to read? Or look into the stars? Are you in any houses? Or at least interested in joining any? Things of that nature.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
Paladin of Order
"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

I was just stating what i think most of the town knows. There is always more. From a small village in the woodelven homeland called Silverwillow.
Music well considering how few musicians we have around it's been awhile since i've heard a varity of things, but i always enjoy wrens singing and harp playing in the inn. In general though something that i could dance to, something very smooth and wavey is about the best way to put it. Flutes and pipes do very well for such music, and harps of corse.

I enjoy more of the reading and listening of the earth. I have found the only books that seem to stay in a readable state is my spell book. everything else seems to get damaged in the life i live. Though it was nice at the mages tower, the vast library up there.

As for houses not any really, just mages guild. And yourself? (pased more of the one answer and wait for yours then answer another)
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Well, I grew up in the Capital, but I joined the army when I was 12, yeah I know it seems young but after my father died it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Well my best friend and I, I think you met him when he came to visit in Midway for a while, Addin, the sharp dressed mages guild member who was in house Mandalor, we both joined up. They put people through testing when you first get in to discover any talents, and as it turned out his was exceptionally good at magic, so they shipped him off. I had aptitude in linguistics, so I was sent to learn about the enemy's languages. I picked up a couple and was shipped out relatively quick, as there was a dire need back then. Why that must be 15 years ago. I ended up discovering several other talents along the way. At first people just though I was a lucky charm or something, because I seemed to know what to do when we came to a choice between several options. That’s when it was discovered that I had some aptitude with the Sooth. Those quick choices that I seemed to guess correctly were less luck and more of the divining nature. As a result I was pulled away into special operations and gained rank very fast. After about five years I made Lt. and my old friend Addin was put in as my Sergeant. We made a good team, and won a lot of great battles. Always relying upon my skills to lead us to the best solution. That was before Addin lost his leg, before I met Nyrhtak, his face grows just a little dark when thinking about the day he and his former enemy met in battle, "how strange that Nyr and I would become friends, never in a thousand years would I have called that one despite my skills.

Anyway, the war was over and most of us were offered a chance to retire with 15 years in, so I took it. My pension set me up and I headed out to see the world. I headed to Midway, where the rest of that is known, to most I guess.

As for music I like stories in song from most. And you know I represent house ToeVass now, which is a funny story in itself, as it is not the house I set out to join. I'm afraid I have no skill at all in the magic arts, but as my best friend is a mage, I have no problem at all with magic.

-They talk back and fourth throughout the afternoon, over a few glasses of elven wine. Getting to know one another.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
Lieutenant in Her Majesties Army - Retired
Keeper of the 4th Tome of ToeVass
Member of the Alchemist Guild of Midway
Paladin of Order
"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.

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