I am back......
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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I am back......

Post by Zero »

*Zero looks around the tavern with dark and somewhat cold eyes,blood hangs from his lip and his face id pummeled,as well as an open wound on his arm.....he then looks at bombour and speaks barely a whisper as he slides his hand across the counter and lifting his hand back to reveal a verlan......*

"I need a room........"

*Zero then turns to Sabin and speaks....."

"Sabin.....go outside....see if you can beat that catch...it is your turn,after all...."
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Sabin Remson
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So Zero.....u did well I assume?

Post by Sabin Remson »

*Sabin looks up at Zero and replys with only a smile and proceeds to get up and step outside......He soon then runs back in...*

"ZERO ARE YOU MAD?!? SEVEN?!? HOW CAN I CATCH SEVEN IN ONE HOUR WITH NO SPELLS?????....that's the problem with you mages.....you dont know how to fight with good ol' steel! Unlike you some play with magic as if it was a toy nowadays.... people need to understand, that if you abuse this power, you will surely perish in your own demise- but Zero I'm sure you will be wise enough NOT to misuse the power that you bestowe so easily like others before you. I have been in midway for one half a year now, and I am sick and tired of people coming in and asking others 'have you seen any necromany?' Or How about when you feel a HUGE TINGLE THROUGH YOUR SPINE every now and then for no apparent reason? This town has become WAY TOO EDGY if you ask me.... Zero be careful, there will ALWAYS be someone watching you... and me- But now we could be watching eachother, so My head hurts from talking so much, and I'll be back in one hour and see if I can beat your score- WITHOUT HAVING TO USE MAGIC-HAH! "

*Sabin grabs his new spear and runs out of the tavern.....*
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Divin Stormshadow
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*looking up from his seat over near the fire*

abuse magic?.?.? what a strange concept.....

*Divin's hands become flame as he holds his mug of wine*

I do so love a hot glass of wine this time of year
Divin Stormshadow
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Dietrich Krankheight

Post by Dietrich Krankheight »

Abuse magic..... you know, I'm lost too, well, guess it's back to the tower.

*teleports the oh so long walk*
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Sabin Remson
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HAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Zero I Beat You!!!

Post by Sabin Remson »

*Sabin Runs into the INN with a such happy smile on his face, almost accidentally toppling Zero in the Process....*

"ZERO- ZERO!!!! I Beat YOU!!! I got 8! How do you like THAT?!?!? I got Proof!!!! HAHAHA! Beat that SCORE- If you can! HAH!!! :P"

* Sabin Looks around the Inn, feeling uneasy...*

"Umm Zero.... I think there is something that is a little bit unreal about this coming month. I don't know what it is, but I'm not too sure what is going to happen... be careful zero."

*Sabin Sits down next to Zero, as if he had had 1000 troubles on his mind all at once...*
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Post by Zero »

"You are not only now wreckless but careless as well.Did you even make sure you came back on time?Of course not.....It took you double the time of me to kill seven for you to kill eight....."

*Zero,now cleaned up from the battle,looks at Sabin with even darker eyes,and somewhat bruised face........*

"You may have won.........but you didn't......honestly I beieve that if you spent more time working on how to improve yourself rather than trying to find others faults in their skills,you could've beaten me......oh and by the way,mages dont ever 'play' with magic forsay.....we use it to our advantage.......so start blaming yourself for losing,not others.
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Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*** Nyrhtak jumps up on one of the benches and yells: ***

Hey Bakka! I think Sabin and Zero found your turtles!


Post by Guest »

*Bakka pushes himself away from the table with great force and stands up, nearly knocking over several drinks in the process*


*Then he pauses... brow furrowing in attempted thought*

What about turtles? Me wanted turtles for somefink....

*Eyes widen as the inevitable conclusion is reached*


*Approaches Sabin and Zero, nearly knocking over more drinks on the way*

Where turtles!?! Me must use turtle to SMASH someting!
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No Bakka.....

Post by Zero »

"No.........This shield is mine to have......and not for you to break....or throw....or whatever else your unintellegent mind can think of....."

Post by Guest »

Ah HA!! Youse got turtle bit! Where git? Me find turtle, too!
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Well Bakka....

Post by Zero »

It's in one of Russ's Caves.....can't really recall which cave....but I shall keep a look out for another shell.You see Bakka.....this shield can be-OH!You'd never understand!It has great capabilities....so I suggest you stay away from it considering it's capabilities.Let me handle it friend,you just concentrate on the brute part of our adventures.But dont worry Bakka I wouldn't cheat you out!I'll tell you if I find another one.After all you are in clan Ruckuss.
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Sabin Remson
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Well well now....

Post by Sabin Remson »

*Sabin Leans over to Zero

"Ummm, Zero--- Have you been keeping your time correctly??? Well I have, and none the matter, but the thing is... weren't we supposed to help petrarch and seph with finding some herbs and what not?>U know Zero, I now have formed a full party. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind adventuring with us on the next moon??? Besides, we need a little 'magical' presence here and there every once in a while! Oh come on! When have you ever gone wrong when adventuring with me zero? :scatter:
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Post by Zero »

"Well Sabin, how about those hydras we ran into last time when we were just 'looking for herbs' huh? If it weren't for me you would be dead you know.........But why not?I mean, a little danger has never stopped me before,and it's not about to.I shall help you on whatever quest you need,as long as it's not suicidal or anything.Oh, and please do try to remember, I dont enjoy when others critisize my magic,so lets shut up about that shall we?

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