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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:56 pm
by Sabin Remson
*Sabin once again, gets done guzzling another cup of Elven Wine, then turns to the elf*

"Good to meet you, I am Sabin Remson. No, nothing really important about me, just a local adventurer sworn vengance to kill the man that killed his father! But enough of me, you seem pretty intersting yourself, now don't you? 8)

*Sabin Orders another cup of Elven Wine*

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:57 pm
by Dietrich Krankheight
*Dietrich appears in the inn looking directly at T'ari'Elena Aranor*

Well, looks like I was right, a new elf has arrived

*grins and bows*

Welcome to Midway fair one, enjoy the chaos.

*winks and disapears again after blowing a kiss to all the ladies present*

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:02 pm
by T'ari'Elena Aranor
T'ári'Elena laughed at Sabin's easy manner. "I see... nothing special but a blood oath to avenge, eh?" It was the first time she had really lightened up enough to joke with anyone outside of the elven Homeland, and T'ári was begingin to warm to the colorful folk of Midway.

"Am I intresting? I hardly think so. There's nothing special about me. I lived a sheltered and peaceful life in the most beautiful sity in all of Phantara, and have no siblings. I took my pleasure in reading, riding, and drawing. I hardly think any of that is very intresting." Still, she smiled to be so welcomed by Midway's adventurious folk.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:14 pm
by Kimberlyn Darksbane
*Kimberlyn looks over at the elven woman*

Oh, that is just the Archon of the Mage's Guild way of saying hi. He tends to be a real charmer.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:23 pm
by T'ari'Elena Aranor
T'ári'Elena laughed. "I see... quite the charmer he is then." She sighed.. as if remembering something a little sad, but cheered back up. "Tell me, Mage slayer, doest thou have a name? I should hate to call thee always by thy title. Tis not a pleasant one."

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:31 pm
by Kimberlyn Darksbane
My appologies.

The name is Kimberlyn. Kimberlyn Darksbane.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:35 pm
by T'ari'Elena Aranor
She smiled. "I am T'ári'Elena Aranor, recently come form Sil'Van'Dar. It is a pleasure to make thy aquantiance, Kimberlyn." The elf bowed to the warrior woman, a friendly smile on her face.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:35 pm
by FloggdaGreen
*speaks up from the corner* me am Flogg. Orc o da woods, and pertecter of dem what be good and fugly. Maker of leather armors and udder stuff dat not really portant.

Enter Rooks

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:40 pm
by Rooks Reayvalynn
*a shape in the rafters shifts, and rooks falls, lands in a crouch and raises, his book closed in his right hand*

I am the Destined, called Rooks of Reayvalynn. You spoke of your house, but from which hall do you hail?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:40 pm
by T'ari'Elena Aranor
The elf raised an eyebrow as the half orc spoke up. Never in her long life had she ever been adressed by an orc, and so thought it wise not to anger him with rudness. She simply smiled heasitantly and went back to her drink.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:25 am
by Kathryn Skress
*listens intently to the conversation between the new elven woman and the townsfolk, wary of trouble between some of them.*

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:34 am
by Balthazar Ordieth
*Balthazar takes a seat next to T'ari'Elena*

Queen of the stars, that is very fitting for your beauty be only rivaled by the stars and the moon, and your radiance can only be matched by the Sun. Come to think of it there's an elf in town sometimes that say's that his name has something to do with the sun, but alas I digress, let us speak more jovial things than elven men.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:37 pm
by T'ari'Elena Aranor

T'ári'Elena rose and bowed to Rooks. She was very surprised to have seen him drop from the rafters... but she was beginning to expect strange things in this town. "Mae govannen, mellon nin," she said with the softest of smiles. "I'm afraid that I never had the chance to live in the great city. Being of wood elven decent, I am not premitted within. The island and forest beyond, however, was my wandering ground. I did make friends with some of the city folk... but alas, my kind are not welcome any longer among the ivory halls of the great city."

She sat and bid Rooks also sit across from her should he wish. "As for my house... we are small. Not all of us believe that we can live in complete isolation and survive into the next age." Her face took a very deep and even slightly troubled look. "Events in the world move to a great change, those of us akin to the earth can feel it. The house of Aranor seeks to aid where aid is needed, heal the borken, and share wisdom where it must come to light." She sighed. "We are wanderers... often alone, but we find peace in it. I am not unhappy with my place in this life."

T'ári'Elena turned her bright green eyes on Balthazar with a soft smile. It had been a very long time indeed since someone complemented her so, or had shown her such kindness. "The sun?" A very strange look came over her face... as if she was remembering something about which she had not thought for a very long time. However, she shook it off and her smile returned. "Tell me then about thyself, mellon nin. For surely thou has had many an intresting adventure in this colorful town."


Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:34 pm
by Sylas Hay
*walking back to take his place at the Bar*

"hey Balthezar. Did she just call you Melon Head

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:51 pm
by Balthazar Ordieth
*laughing at Sylas's Joke*

No not quite, although whatever it was that she said it sounded quite nice.

*turns to T'ari'Elena*

Me? no no I have had a very boring life amonst the waves of the seas, the tales I would tell would not be very interesting at all, especially to one such as yourself. Mostly mishaps caused by much ale and little brains. Tis truly one of the reasons I have come to Midway is to witness some of the tales that filter to the pubs of Ports End.